Cobalt oxide nanoparticles and their effect on melon (Cucumis melo L.) yield and quality
bioactive compounds, cobalt nanoparticles, melon, productionAbstract
In melon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivation, there is very little evidence about the improvement of plants in the face of biotic and abiotic factors, photosynthetic metabolisms and crop productivity through fertilization and the addition of cobalt. The objective of our research was to demonstrate the effect of CO3 O4 NP's on growth, yield, fruit weight, TSS, firmness, cobalt content and bioactive compounds in melon fruits established in the open field. For this, a randomized complete block design was implemented with five treatments and control (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mg L -1 of CO 3 O 4 NP's) and three replicates respectively. The use of CO3 O4 NP's at a dose of 20 mg L -1 increased the yield of the melon by 40% (42-ton ha -1), compared to the control which had a yield of 30 and 50-ton ha -1. As well as an increase in the weight of the fruits with the use of NP's in the highest doses by 9% compared to the control. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in the cobalt concentration in pulp and peel. Bioactive compounds increased up to 2% at a dose of 20 mg L -1. The firmness and soluble solids content of the fruit were not significantly affected. Results indicated that concentration 20 mg L -1 of NP's, provides higher antioxidant capacity and content bioactive compounds (anthocyanianins) show better performance under these experimental conditions. therefore, NP's are a viable option for improving the physicochemical properties the fruit.
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