Influence of growth-stage-based deficit irrigation on tomato yield and water productivity in Kaduna, Nigeria
drip irrigation, soil moisture deficits, tomato yield, water productivity, water useAbstract
Improving water productivity (WP) through deficit irrigation is a major goal for sustainable agriculture under water scarcity conditions as observed in the semi-arid parts of Nigeria. The yield and crop water use responses of drip-irrigated tomato to deficit irrigation in Kaduna, Nigeria was evaluated during the dry seasons of 2017-2019. The treatments comprised three irrigation levels: 80, 60, and 40% of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and three crop growth stages: vegetative, flowering, and maturity. In randomized complete block design, each irrigation level was imposed at a particular crop growth stage, in successions, while irrigating fully (with 100% ETo) at the other two growth stages. Full irrigation at the three crop growth stages was the control. The full irrigation gave the highest fruit yields of 19.0 t ha-1. However, the crop water productivity (CWP) was highest (4.91 kg m-3) when irrigated with 60% ETo at maturity, and full irrigation at vegetative and flowering stages, implying that 4.91 kg of tomatoes were produced for every cubic meter (m³) of water used. This is the recommended deficit strategy under water-limiting condition, subject to economic evaluations. The CWP value would be a benchmark for comparing WP across different tomato cultivars, irrigation systems, or farming practices.
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