Impact of fertilizer doses on soil properties, vegetative growth, fruit quality and biochemical compounds of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch)
biochemical compounds, fertilizer, Fragaria x ananassa Duch, fruit quality, soil properties, vegetative growthAbstract
Fertilizers are important for plant growth, yield enhancement, and achieving food security, but overdose can have negative effects. This study sought to determine the impact of different fertilizer doses on soil properties, vegetative growth, fruit quality, and biochemical compounds of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch) cv. ‘Camarosa’. During the years 2022-2023, strawberry seedlings were grown in pots in a greenhouse. Four increasing dosages of fertilizers were applied. The results showed that following treatment, electrical conductivity and soil organic matter rose to maximum values of 176.26 µS. cm-1 and 2.63%, respectively, with d2 treatment. However, the pH was initially high before dropping considerably to 7.34 with d4 dosage. Treatment d1 was highly suggested for enhanced fruit number (5.8) and total yield (729 g. plant-1). The treatment d2 produced the highest fruit weight (24.3 g), volume (27.71 cm3), length (5.55 cm), and width (5.15 cm). The medium dose d3 drastically increased leaf area (2652.76 cm2), total soluble solids (7.4 °Brix), total phenols (1,332.54 mg GAE· L-1) and antioxidant activity (89.53%), but not significantly. The maximum petiole length (12.66 cm), petiole number (29.4), chlorophyll content, runners number (6), roots length (22.33 cm), fresh root and shoot weight (73.11 and 96.41 g), root and shoot dry weight (10.84 and 30.64 g), were recorded at d4 treatment. In control plants, all of these measures were lower, despite having higher fruit pH (3.72), titratable acidity (0.87%), and flowers number (4.40). In conclusion, increasing fertilizer doses may affect soil and strawberry plant qualities, and farmers must use them appropriately.
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