Selection of Dried and Table Apricots in Nevsehir and Nigde Regions, Turkey
breeding; drought conditions; elite germplasm; genetic codes; late bloomingAbstract
Apricot, for which Turkey is recognized as a top producer and the leading country in the world, is one of the most produced stone fruits in Turkey. For long time ago, apricot has been grown with the nursery plants obtained from the seeds in Nevsehir and Nigde provinces caused a wide range of germplasm resources in this area (Cappadocia area). Each apricot tree shows different characteristics and could be a variety candidate. With this study, phenological and pomological characters of 91 genotypes were determined and among them 15 of the best promising genotypes were given in this paper. Considering the experimented 15 genotypes, 8 genotypes gave higher Brix value (SSC) (27-31%) than ‘Hacihaliloglu’ variety (25-26%) which was the most common dried apricot variety in Turkey. Regarding the fruit weight, which is an important aspect for both dried and table fruits, high valued genotypes were also determined. The fruit weight of 11 genotypes were higher than 50 g with the values between 51.45 g and 84.02 g. As a result of this study, candidates for dried and table apricot genotypes were identified.
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